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Today is not a S.A.D. day.

Spirit-led conversation. Chinese food. Sunshine. These are my love languages.
Spirit-led conversation. Chinese food. Sunshine. These are my love languages.

Some lonely, bitter folks out there call today, Valentine’s Day, “Singles Awareness Day.”

That literally spells sad.

And I think that in itself is sad.

Because today is not a sad day. Today can in fact be one filled with joy — if you choose for it to.

I am single too. And trust me, I know the sting of rejection & the pain of feeling forgotten, the strange sadness of missing someone I don’t know, the terrifying fear of missing out on someone I do know, the heavy burden of feeling hopelessly alone.

But I am not sad. And I am not S.A.D., aka dwelling in this life of perpetual singledom.

Nope. I am joyful. And here’s why:

I am loved.

And not loved in a fleeting sense, which can often be misconstrued in relationships as LOVE, the kind you promise your forever to someone with.

But loved in a very real, very ultimate way by my family, by my friends, by my God.

I know I am loved because I know the lengths people would go to for me.

My dad would take a bullet for me. My mom would drive across the country to see me. My brothers would beat up any jerk that broke my heart {fellas, beware}.

My Tri Delt sisters would bake endless amounts of sweets for me. My church friends would literally hold me for hours if I was crying. My school friends would laugh with me until my abs start forming into a six pack, a true miracle.

And my God, my God has already proven His immense love. He gave up His Song for me. He raised His Son from the dead for me. He chose me to glorify Him. He loves me with the greatest form of love there ever was and ever could be.

So today is not a sad day. I am reminded of how deeply loved I am by God and by His people.

I am also reminded how I myself am capable of love, as in with friends & family & letting them feel God’s love. But I am also capable of LOVE, the butterflies in your stomach kind.

While I am not in LOVE right now — or anywhere close to it — I will be one day.

And  Ialready LOVE my husband even though I don’t know who he is yet. I love him by learning about love from those who love me. And I love him by striving to become the devoted wife, loyal best friend, caring mother to his children, and by seeking the transformation to be the fearless woman of God that he needs by his side for the rest of his life. And I am nowhere near being said woman, which is why being single is truly great, even though it doesn’t always thrill me. Because right now I am learning. And I am loving him far in advance, so years down the road when I say those vows, I can promise I will be full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control because I have been working on these fruits all along.

So today is not a sad day at all. It isn’t a day to fret about a ring by spring. Or a day to binge eat boxes and boxes of chocolates. Today is a day to be thankful for the wonderful relationships we do have & to be absolutely excited about the promises of ones we will have in the future. It is not a day of sadness. It is a day of love.